jayhasablog: November 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


This first year is going by sooo fast, it's crazy. Thanksgiving break is literally tomorrow, and have yet to finish one more class today. I have the worst flight back home to Michigan. I have three connecting flights with an estimated amount of 8 hours of airport + airplane madness, and thats minus the delays *sigh* I can't wait to get home though, despite the short amount of time that I'll be spending there. Besides, Christmas break is only three weeks away lol.

It's been two photo assignments, a 3D design project, and countless energy drinks since I last posted something. I'm really excited about the photography department here. They seem to be all about getting us ready for the real world, all ways encouraging us to get our photos out into the world. I'm planning on send out some of my photos to some Adobe contests, and magazines next semester. I also discovered that the PDI show is February 22nd at a recent meeting for the department. I'm excited because coincidentally its a day before my birthday :D

Anywho... pictures and projects.

Deadpan Portrait Assignment

Photo Essay Assignment

Toy Project